How strongly do you believe in religion and its norms and traditions????
It's a question which many people ask themselves but rarely ponder about.. Sikhs have forever been classified as the hyperactive community which to an extent is true, but the real point is.......
Is it incorrect to be a fanatic for your religion??
My blood boiled when I saw the pictures of a person dressed as my religion's Tenth Guru and as if that was not enough he actually baptized his "followers" in that attire. I'm too lost in the religious implications to be bothered about the political agenda hidden behind. I don't care if Congress lost or the BJP won or whatever is the consequence of a stupid election.
What scares me more is not that a person dared to do such an act but that many Sikhs refuse to act on it under the veil that if they do so then their so called "militant" image will be stamped in the media. They say commerce and business is being affected in Punjab due to the protest. What I ask is that should we be a weakling and accept whats given to us on a platter so that business flourishes?? Figures and numbers and currency will rule our lives while the world can mock our traditions and values but we refuse to act??
We have been taught the lessons of patience and harmony but if injustice is thrust on to us while our silent protests go unheard we will not be afraid to pick up the sword too..
It might seem a very small issue to those who have no clue of what Sikhism is about. For most of those people we are just people who dress funny, refuse to shave or cut out hair and are excellent subject matter for jokes. Yet the reality is far more solemn than these petty issues.
" We are different because we dare to be different"
Let me use this blog to share the myth of " Sardar ke 12 baj gaye". Yes we have heard it often in jokes or being portrayed in movies as a satirical joke but the true story is not a laughing matter..
Aurangzeb was on a spree of conversion and he used harshest of the means to do so. His soldiers kidnapped young village girls and it was then that the village folks approached Sikhs to save the honour of their daughters. These Khalsa's carried out their rescue operation after midnight to have the advantage of night time. They were charged with fuming energy unlike anyone had ever witnessed and it was beyond words. Thus the phrase of " barah bajna" was coined to symbolize the grit and guts of those Khalsa's at that particular hour.
Its a sorry state that today most people accept it as something funny........
Most of us are unaware of reality and seem to think that the headlines shown are so messy just because politics and religion have gone to bed together. Think once again,
We are not fighting for a political gamete, we are fighting for our religious dignity!!
Respect that!!!!!!
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