Another scenario I've noticed is that we tend to give cute names to our lovers.. shona, sweetu, jaan, jaanu, babes, baby, honey, sugar and all sweetening stuff. So in the new age health concious world I would hate my husband calling me honey or sweets and we would switch to the more healthy option of Sugar free or natura and so on... Although not as romantic but atleast its a healthy option!! wat say!!
Now Lovers have got to meet up right!!?? And one major issue of concern here is WHERE?? There are a lot of coffee shops and malls but naa thats too cliche now.. Mocha and hooka joints are in.. Then comes the part of payments.. Dutch?? Does it work??
Am I your equal that I have to pay or should one person be generous enough? I think this is very case specific and to each one its own. I would not comment on it.
Love to marriage is a case which is a little more trickier and thicker muck to go down in. Maximum of "love" cases trickle down to past relations and crushes because they do not or cannot cross the transition phase and the tribulations faced in such phases.
Then there is another kind of love.. the love that never was...
This scenario is when a guy/gal loves someone but they do not respond. The type of funny oaths that are given in leu of attaining the love that did not exist in the first place is heartrendingly hilarious. Being on either side of such a situation is an enormously emotional trauma.
Love is funny and love is very subjective and case sensitive.
If you are in love then try and look back on your relation and what you cling onto in a relation, is it the sweetened talk or is it the solid trust and respect.
Happy Loving Anyways!!