Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Way You Make Others Feel!!!!!!!!!!

Life is so amazing when You hearing awesome music and something great has happened in your life!!
I guess all of us are inspired to live a better and more fulfilling life because someone somewhere cares that this day you have smiled!! It is even better and fulfilling to know that you can and sometimes are a reason why some person decided to smile and give his or her life another shot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I usually have been cribbing on this blog that my life has dished out only harsh stuff to me but that I realized is so untrue!! I've got amazing friends and even though I fight with them and sometimes they don't seem to get what I want but they are still fantabulous and these things somehow only brings me closer to them!!
Having an amazing family,comfortable life, whole bunch of opportunities open to me, stupidly cute and amazing friends, this all being too long with you seems to make me ungrateful......

I get up in the morning and the wonderful Hi Fi my Dad gives, my Mom's warm cuddly hug and the cheerful smiles of my siblings-they the smallest things ever but they get me through my day no matter what!! and if I can't then I always have Bani* by my side or Saanjh* to make me laugh or Baron* to just listen without any judgements at all!!!!!!!!!! Even when we have fought they smile when they see me!! Its wonderful to have good friends but its even amazing to BE an amazing friend!!!!!

So all those people out there who feel they don't have friends to witness their life.. for once go out there and first be a friend you would like to be friends with!! Maybe you'll get hurt on the way but don't give up easily coz in the end its worth it!!!!!!!!!!

This post goes out to all those wonderful people who make me feel special everyday!!!!!!!! Thanks a tonne!! U've made my world a better place to live in!!!!!!!!

P.S. The astericked names have been changed for privacy of the people concerned..

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Just For Gags

The most amazing thing about my college is that most of the people I know in it suffer from a severe amnesia problem!! U might think it's very bad but actually it is a blessing in disguise.. It's a blissful way to enjoy life and tends to leave you happier than U eva wanna be!!

Most of the time early mornings is the best time to see the students.. It's like they have had the most amazing sleep and are so darn cheerful!! Full ear to ear flashy smiles which would bedazzle most of the toothpaste commercial makers!!

Anyways the moods lite and people enjoy.. then till lunch they get exhausted from the wonderful neverland they had been residing in and moods start to change!! nevertheless they still try to keep themselves together.. Till the end of the day they seem exhausted and a typical " Revital " advertisement maker would love them to act for him at that particular time!!

Jokes apart I truly think colleges are a great learning experience!! And my college is like heaven in the field of " Real Life Education" !!!! So anyone interested in finding out how U can maintain a smile no matter what and how to suffer from selective amnesia to improve the quality of your life do give my college a visit.. I bet U'll not regret the visit and truly I would love to show you around !!!!!!!!!

Till then take care!!!!!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Exam Jitters

Every student has them in their life and I'm no different.
But this time it was another fear that had clasped me in its clutches, the fear of failing yet again. Its not that I won't write the exam or something but somehow I've known that I'm not a graceful looser. I crib and keep munching the same issue till I can't do anything more about it.
Anyways just had to write it down....

Hoping to do my best..
till then take care...........................

Monday, February 12, 2007


I've been getting alot of comments lately about the way I created this blog and " what made me do this" to qoute it exactly!!

Frankly I would like to put it on a harsh platter to all my readers(very few r there actually), Don't be prejudiced in your judgement about who and what I am just becoz you happened to read this blog. I mean yes I am what I write but I gotta tell you that I write wen i'm emotionally charged about something. It hardly means that I am a weakling who cannot stand up wen it is required. Also i'm not trying to be philosophical for anyone else's benefit( This was tol by a very close person and I needed to explain abt it). I just write what I feel or felt at that particular moment and although I do encourage any kind of comments I would urge You not to JUDGE me.

Through this post I would also like to thank all my friends who gave their honest and true opinions about this blog. Special thanks to my close pal, your words meant a lot to me( hope u get it that i'm talkin of u)!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

HoW ScreWeD uP yOu caN GEt??

Out of matter to write and feeling too bored to explore relations or emotions or dig out dirt from my past I tend to surf new sites or visit other blogs( which is pretty new for I recently found out abt this blogging thing)

Well contrary to the common belief that people are the same at the core I believe that they are way too different for our comprehension!!
Why else would the world be so interesting a place?? Some take a friendship and say its love, is it so?? Are we capable of loving a person more than oneself!! Oh puhlease for all those who'll raise an eyebrow and say you can be so selfless, GROW UP!!

Hypocrisy and innocence have a very fine line between them....
children cross it every time but we tend to ignore it. I've seen this trait pretty often specially in my Venusian counterparts and somehow I too have mastered the art!!

When someone innocently takes infatuation for love, I'd say that the person is lying!! We all know it in the bottom of our hearts that its not for real but we let it go on, ignore all the signs until we screw up wat we had and then later innocently cry over it!!

This is life and this it wat the so called relationship management Gurus will fail to tell you!!

Yes the person closest to your heart needs his space and time and so do you. He does not have to share every detail of his life with you BUT the question is WHY would he not want to????
I have very very less personal experience in the matter of loving a guy but that on the contrary gives me the chance to have a bird's eye view of other's relations!!

I'm no expert and frankly people who do tell you that they are experts, they are simply big time hypocrates!!
No one can actually help you to NOT to screw up your life bcoz eventually you will!!
You will FALL( n mark me here) in love because there are only lucky few who rise in it!!
You will take a girl or guy to be innocently in love with you and probably screw up your life with expectations and disappointments!! You'll cry in the bed all alone wishing to change the past!! Yet trust me all this is worth it !!!!
" Its not how much you screw up,
its how gracefully you screw up that matters at last"

ps: Failed to search a perfect picture for the emotion described..
got any ideas so do post in comment.. tc

Friday, February 9, 2007


Some secrets cannot be revealed even to the closest of your friends and many of them are the secrets of the heart. Being new to the co-education system I was shy to be friends with the students around. I loved it when these people spoke about each other's lives being at ease with the opposite sex but I clearly felt like the ugly duckling among the swans.Part of it was becoz of my braces and part of it was my awkwardness between guys.

Having been declared as a nerd due to my past academic result, I was further left in my own world. I made friends with the two most popular girls and I really liked them. They not only enjoyed life but had a peculiar self confidence about their personality. While I was happy reading books ( let me specify here that i read novels not course books) these people enjoyed their teenage life. Movies, outings and ofcourse the infactuations, I was a far spectator to all of these. Its not that I did not have my share of crushes but they were just momentory and soon passed by.

Life moved on but soon it demanded changes and I thought I was ready for those changes. The visit to the lake close to our college that day changed how I would spend my college life. It was drizzling and this amazing gal Bani* sat next to me and heard me with so much of patience. I can still recall her words
" Give it (life) another chance, open up, its not that bad after all"
My college life began in the true sense that day!!

I've had many arguments with Bani* after that and its funny but we start laughing even when we are fighting!! I dedicate this post to her..... No major reason for it but just to let people know that your friendship matters a lot to me!! Take care!!!!!!!

Out in the new world!!

Your life seems to be running smooth and all's well in it!! You have the most amazing life and a group of frds which can be the envy of any teenager and that is the time wen the whirlpool emerges!!
The suction is very strong and its useless to oppose its flow. I too get dragged into it and wen I finally dare to look up I see a whole new world emerge out of nowhere, with only my family as the familiar faces. This new world is inviting and explorative and i dive into this new experience with the highest expectations.
New school and new set of friends or should I say classmates, for making friends became a tricky task. Very soon the charm and embellishments loose their glamour and all you can see is the hard cored ugly truth. Friends are there but why exactly you can neva be too sure of that, its like the new world had a very different set of dictionary from mine. It confused me and to avoid that confusion I buried myself into books and my family became my new set of amazing friends.
Where do you search for happiness when you are assured by your own peers that you are worth none??
This is where I changed my perspective!!!!
The World accepts you as you want them to, not the way they want. The reins of this life is in your hands and unless you foolishly hand over these reins to others no one can direct your happiness.The sooner we accept this fact the more fulfilling life would become!! I don't say easier bcoz life neva is easy!!
I'll end this article with these words
" Nothing looks good under the microcope.
When you feel a thing is ugly, its just you have come too close to truly appreciate its worth"

The Inspiration

Since two years my life has changed dramatically!! No pathos intended but when i viewed the blog of my friend shubham it inspired me to share things that I so value in my life.

The major question is why would any one be interested in such a Blog? But the fact of the matter is sometimes writing what you felt is the best way to express. Many do write a personal diary and i'm one of that many, yet somewhere somehow we keep our experiences so hidden that they fail to enrich anyone's life, even your own!!

I'm not a poet or a great writer but I'm a person who feels a lot and I'm here to share about living a life at an age where traditions and modern culture juxtapose every persons life!!

This is an exploration of what I feel and why I feel so!! Hope you enjoy jumping into this Whirlpool called LIFE!!