Out of matter to write and feeling too bored to explore relations or emotions or dig out dirt from my past I tend to surf new sites or visit other blogs( which is pretty new for I recently found out abt this blogging thing)
Well contrary to the common belief that people are the same at the core I believe that they are way too different for our comprehension!!
Why else would the world be so interesting a place?? Some take a friendship and say its love, is it so?? Are we capable of loving a person more than oneself!! Oh puhlease for all those who'll raise an eyebrow and say you can be so selfless, GROW UP!!
Hypocrisy and innocence have a very fine line between them....
children cross it every time but we tend to ignore it. I've seen this trait pretty often specially in my Venusian counterparts and somehow I too have mastered the art!!
When someone innocently takes infatuation for love, I'd say that the person is lying!! We all know it in the bottom of our hearts that its not for real but we let it go on, ignore all the signs until we screw up wat we had and then later innocently cry over it!!
This is life and this it wat the so called relationship management Gurus will fail to tell you!!
Yes the person closest to your heart needs his space and time and so do you. He does not have to share every detail of his life with you BUT the question is WHY would he not want to????
I have very very less personal experience in the matter of loving a guy but that on the contrary gives me the chance to have a bird's eye view of other's relations!!
I'm no expert and frankly people who do tell you that they are experts, they are simply big time hypocrates!!
No one can actually help you to NOT to screw up your life bcoz eventually you will!!
You will FALL( n mark me here) in love because there are only lucky few who rise in it!!
You will take a girl or guy to be innocently in love with you and probably screw up your life with expectations and disappointments!! You'll cry in the bed all alone wishing to change the past!! Yet trust me all this is worth it !!!!
" Its not how much you screw up,
its how gracefully you screw up that matters at last"
ps: Failed to search a perfect picture for the emotion described..
got any ideas so do post in comment.. tc